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- About Hannover Re
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- About Hannover Re
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- History
We were founded as an in-house reinsurer and started small, a new kid on the block, proving ourselves every day for over fifty years. We've grown into a company with the resources of a major player and the flexibility of a startup.
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Hannover Re was founded in 1966 and went public in 1994.
The company has its roots in the property and casualty reinsurance business. Today, the business group Property & Casualty is predominantly centralised with underwriting control in Hannover and service provided mostly by travelling underwriters. A worldwide network of subsidiaries, branches and representative offices joins local talent with central management in special business areas, such as facultative, direct and catastrophe XoL business.
With the expansion of its life and health business in the nineties, Hannover Re set its course for further strategic growth. Key acquisitions enabled it to diversify, spread risk and position itself as a leading global reinsurer. Now operating as a worldwide network of reinsurance companies, service companies and branch offices, our team approach in Life & Health combines local employees and know-how with worldwide expertise to offer clients superlative support for life, health, annuity and personal accident business.
E+S Rück celebrates its 100th anniversary
Today, E+S Rück is one of the market leaders in Germany and number 1 in its core business of car insurance. The decisive factor was the loyalty to customers that has grown steadily over the decades. With extensive industry knowledge, expertise and innovative strength, E+S Rück stands by its customers reliably even in challenging times.
Hannover Re is listed on Germany's blue chip DAX index
Since March 2022 Hannover Re has been listed on Germany's blue chip DAX index.
The statutes of the Hannover Re Foundation were amended and the purpose of the Foundation was expanded. Along with its traditional pillar of fostering art, the Foundation has since also supported projects relating to sustainability, especially those that address climate change adaptation.
Hannover Re sells its stake in HDI Global Specialty to HDI Global
Hannover Re sells its stake in HDI Global Specialty to HDI Global. The transaction underscores the company's strategic positioning as a pure reinsurer.
Change in Chief Executive Officer
Jean-Jacques Henchoz succeeds Ulrich Wallin as Chief Executive Officer of Hannover Re.
Foundation of HDI Global Specialty SE
Hannover Rück SE and HDI Global SE merge their specialty activities in a joint venture and establish HDI Global Specialty SE.
Hannover Re acquires the UK holding company Argenta Holdings Limited
Hannover Re acquires the UK holding company Argenta Holdings Limited, which owns the companies Argenta Syndicate Management and Argenta Private Capital as well as a pro rata share of the Lloyd's syndicate Argenta Syndicate 2121, thereby gaining additional access to international and London Market business.
Hannover Re establishes a branch in Mumbai, India, which is licensed for both property & casualty and life & health reinsurance.
Hannover Re celebrates its 50-year anniversary
Hannover Re celebrates its 50-year anniversary: Quick, flexible and undogmatic, with lean structures and an efficient organisation, it has taken Hannover Re just 50 years to grow into a well-diversified, globally operating reinsurer of above-average profitability.
Hannover Rückversicherung AG is transformed into a European public limited company
Hannover Rückversicherung AG is transformed into a European public limited company (Societas Europaea, SE). The company now trades under the name Hannover Rück SE.
Hannover Re promotes the diversification of its life and health portfolio
The company reaches agreement with Scottish Re (US) in 2011 on the acquisition of a reinsurance portfolio as part of a transaction. It complements the acquisition of the ING life reinsurance portfolio in 2009 and further strengthens Hannover Re's traditional US life business. In 2012, a block transaction for longevity risks in the United Kingdom consisting of pension obligations cements Hannover Re's leading position in the longevity risks market.
Hannover Re reaches agreement on the sale of US operational subsidiary companies
Hannover Re reaches agreement on the sale of all operational companies of its US subsidiary Clarendon Insurance Group, Inc., New York, to the Bermuda-based Enstar Group Ltd., Hamilton.
Change in Chief Executive Officer
Ulrich Wallin succeeds Wilhelm Zeller as Chief Executive Officer of Hannover Re.
The extension of the existing licence of Hannover Re's Shanghai Branch to include both life/health and property/casualty reinsurance is approved by the China Insurance Regulatory Commission (CIRC). Hannover Re is very well positioned in established and emerging reinsurance markets worldwide.
To fill a last remaining gap, Hannover Re acquires the ING US individual life reinsurance business previously reinsured by Scottish Re Group Limited as well as the policy administration systems of Scottish Re and other assets supporting the US mortality reinsurance business, which had hitherto been underrepresented in Hannover Re’s portfolio.
New branch offices
The international network for life and health business is enhanced by new branch offices in Seoul, South Korea and Shanghai, China and a new subsidiary - Hannover Life Reassurance Bermuda Ltd. - in Bermuda. The company signs a cooperation agreement with India's government-owned reinsurer GIC Re regarding the joint development, marketing and underwriting of life reinsurance business in India.
Hannover Rückversicherung AG, Bahrain Branch is established for the underwriting of traditional reinsurance business in Arab countries.
Hannover Rückversicherung AG receives the admitted reinsurer license for Brazil from the Brazilian Supervisory Authority SUSEP. Hannover Re establishes the representative office Hannover Re Escritório de Representação no Brasil Ltda. in Brazil
Hannover Re launches Praetorian Financial Group, Inc.
Hannover Re launches Praetorian Financial Group, Inc., based in New York, as a core specialty insurer, taking over the active specialty business of Clarendon. Clarendon Insurance Group, Inc. concentrates on the management of around 200 terminated programs and existing commodity business. In December, Hannover Re can announce the sale of Praetorian Financial Group, Inc., New York, to QBE Insurance Group Ltd., Sydney, Australia.
Hannover ReTakaful B.S.C., Bahrain is established for the underwriting of worldwide reinsurance in conformity with Islamic law.
Hannover Re is "somewhat different"
Hannover Re is "somewhat different": The new claim stands for a fast, flexible, undogmatic business approach.
The company achieves a breakeven result for 2005 despite historically unprecedented natural catastrophe losses in excess of EUR 1 billion for net account. Hurricanes "Katrina", "Rita" and "Wilma" alone inflicted a net loss on the company of almost EUR 800 million.
Hannover Re places a subordinated debt issue of EUR 750 million on the capital market.
Hannover Re places a subordinated debt issue of EUR 750 million on the capital market. Hybrid issues not only help boost Hannover Re's capital base for a calculable increase in the interest burden, but also enhance its market appeal. It also benefits the shareholders of Hannover Re, as there will be no dilution of the earnings per share. Hybrid capital continues to play an important role in Hannover Re's capital management.
The registered company name is changed
The registered company name is changed from "Hannover Rückversicherungs-AG" to "Hannover Rückversicherung AG".
In the context of a capital increase, Talanx AG contributes its shares in HDI Reinsurance Ireland Ltd. into Hannover Re. Effective 16 January 2004, the company is renamed Hannover Reinsurance (Dublin) Ltd. Thus, Hannover Re acquires the financial reinsurance activities of the HDI Group.
Hannover Re implements a stock split
Hannover Re implements a stock split 3:1 which will serve to substantially reduce the market price of a single share, thereby rendering the share more accessible to a broader range of investors. This, in turn, will increase the share's liquidity and stimulate demand.
Establishment of catastrophe reinsurer Hannover Re (Bermuda) Ltd.
Catastrophe reinsurer Hannover Re (Bermuda) Ltd. is established as the centre of excellence within the Hannover Re Group for property catastrophe excess of loss programs. The Hannover Re Group is now physically represented in the world's largest catastrophe reinsurance market and can benefit from the Bermudian infrastructure.
Hit by heavy losses from the World Trade Center terror attacks, Hannover Re pays no dividend, but despite the unimaginable dimensions of the event achieves positive net income, albeit on a modest level.
Hannover Re changes from bearer shares to registered shares
Hannover Re changes from bearer shares to registered shares in order to improve its investor relations activities and favourably affect the share performance. In October, Hannover Re is named winner of the "Capital Investor Relations Award" for companies listed on the MDax by the business magazine "Capital".
Hannover Re Advanced Solutions
The acquisition of specialty insurer Clarendon Insurance Group, New York. U.S. makes program business the fourth strategic cornerstone of Hannover Re's worldwide activities, with the remaining three being property/casualty, life/health (under the brand name "Hannover Life Re") and financial reinsurance (under the brand name "Hannover Re Advanced Solutions").
Pioneering work
While Hannover Re pioneered the securitisation of natural peril catastrophe risks early as 1994, it now succeeds in transferring acquisition costs from life reassurance contracts into the capital markets. The transaction L1 is followed by further innovative capital market transactions.
Hannover Re acquires selected portfolios of Skandia International Insurance Company (SIIC)
Hannover Re acquires selected portfolios of Skandia International Insurance Company (SIIC), Stockholm, comprising life and health reinsurance, facultative reinsurance and aviation/space insurance, which ideally complement the existing book of business. Through the acquisition Hannover Re also gains well-established worldwide branches, for example in Paris, Madrid and Mexico City.
New Chairman of the Executive Board
Wilhelm Zeller joins Hannover Re as new Chairman of the Executive Board.
Eisen und Stahl Rück is integrated into the Hannover Re Group followed by a restructuring of the Group: Hannover Re assumes responsibility for foreign markets while Eisen und Stahl Rück - now E+S Rück - takes exclusive responsibility for the German market within the Group.
Hannover Re acquires...
Hannover Re acquires the majority holding in Eisen und Stahl Rück and establishes Hannover Rückversicherungs-AG Malaysian Branch, Kuala Lumpur.
Hannover Re goes public
Hannover Re goes public: on 30 November 25% of the share capital is placed on the stock markets in Frankfurt and Hannover. The share is launched at a price of DEM 75.
Hannover Re acquires a 50% participation in Hannover Life Re of Australasia Ltd (LRA), Sydney.
Change in Chief Executive Officer
Dr. Michael Reischel succeeds R. Claus Bingemer as Chief Executive Officer of Hannover Re.
Hannover Re establishes Hannover Reinsurance (Ireland) Ltd. (HRI), Dublin, based at the International Financial Services Centre (IFSC), as a financial reinsurer.
Hannover Re Arts Foundation
The Hannover Re Arts Foundation is established as a private foundation on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of Hannover Re. The foundation is capitalised with DEM 1 million. Its goal is to support contemporary art in Hannover by acquiring paintings or sculptures for exhibition in the Sprengel Museum in Hannover.
Hannover Re decides to expand its life and health business
In order to improve diversification and reduce volatility, Hannover Re decides to expand its life and health business: The company acquires US life insurer Reassurance Company of Hannover (RCH), Orlando/Florida and the portfolio of Hamburger Internationale Rückversicherung (HIR).
Joint underwriting agreement (Zeichnungsgemeinschaft) is established
Effective 31 December 1987, a joint underwriting agreement (Zeichnungsgemeinschaft) is established with Eisen und Stahl Rück. This occasion is celebrated with a reception during the Monte Carlo Rendezvous in September 1988.
Hannover Re moves into new building
Hannover Re moves into the new building in Karl-Wiechert-Allee 50, Hannover.
Hannover Re acquires a majority shareholding in the Hollandia Group in Johannesburg
Hannover Re acquires a majority shareholding in the Hollandia Group in Johannesburg, South Africa, which will later be renamed Hannover Re Group Africa.
Access to the US and UK markets
To improve access to the US and UK markets, the subsidiaries Insurance Corporation of Hannover (ICH), Los Angeles, and International Insurance Company of Hannover Ltd. (IICH), London are established.
The portfolio of marine insurance is transferred to the parent company HDI, and ATR is renamed Hannover Rückversicherungs-Aktiengesellschaft (Hannover Re).
Establishment of affiliated company
Joint management is established with the affiliated company Eisen und Stahl Rückversicherungs-AG, which was founded on 23 August 1923 in Cologne.
HDI Haftpflichtverband der Deutschen Industrie V.a.G.
HDI Haftpflichtverband der Deutschen Industrie V.a.G., Hannover, merges with FSV. As a consequence of the merger, ATR's head office is relocated to Hannover.
Executive Board
On 6 June, the company is established as "Aktiengesellschaft für Transport- und Rückversicherung" (ATR) by the Feuerschadenverband Rheinisch-Westfälischer Zechen (FSV) in Bochum. It provides primary marine insurance and reinsurance and expands rapidly in the international reinsurance markets over the first five years.
The company's share capital amounts to DEM 5 million, with gross written premium of DEM 0.05 million.
The Executive Board consists of R. Claus Bingemer (Chairman effective 1 September 1979) and Dr. Herbert Diel.