Hannover Re


We were founded as an in-house reinsurer and started small, a new kid on the block, proving ourselves every day for over fifty years. We've grown into a company with the resources of a major player and the flexibility of a startup.

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Hannover Re was founded in 1966 and went public in 1994.

The company has its roots in the property and casualty reinsurance business. Today, the business group Property & Casualty is predominantly centralised with underwriting control in Hannover and service provided mostly by travelling underwriters. A worldwide network of subsidiaries, branches and representative offices joins local talent with central management in special business areas, such as facultative, direct and catastrophe XoL business.

With the expansion of its life and health business in the nineties, Hannover Re set its course for further strategic growth. Key acquisitions enabled it to diversify, spread risk and position itself as a leading global reinsurer. Now operating as a worldwide network of reinsurance companies, service companies and branch offices, our team approach in Life & Health combines local employees and know-how with worldwide expertise to offer clients superlative support for life, health, annuity and personal accident business.