We are a byword for innovative insurance products that offer protection against economic and social risks. We enable companies and people to recover from adversity and look to the future. By giving them access to the best possible insurance and reinsurance cover, we open up new perspectives and opportunities.
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Whether it's cover against fire, business interruption and machinery breakdown, protection against natural perils or specialised products such as reinsurance for certain industrial sectors – our property reinsurance policies are optimally tailored to the requirements of our customers and markets.
Our reinsurance contracts relate to individual risks or offer comprehensive cover against risks of all kinds:
We offer reinsurance solutions for a range of specialised liability products. Cover for general liability, public liability, product liability, environmental liability, directors' and officers' liability for companies and professional liability for certain industries or self-employed persons, supplement our standard liabilities covers. Other reinsurance products we offer relate to third-party liability lines, e.g. such as motor vehicle liability, employer's liability, product recall or product guarantee insurance.
In addition to providing reinsurance cover in the traditional property & casualty lines, we have expertise that embodies our special knowledge in certain business areas:
Life & Health Reinsurance insures everything to do with people and their biometric risks. Biometric risks have an influence on the life expectancy and health of an insured person. Probabilities of occurrence, such as illness or life expectancy, play a major role in Life & Health Reinsurance. Sound risk assessment and evaluation as well as data analysis are the foundations of our business. Life & Health Reinsurance does not insure end consumers but offers insurance cover to primary insurance companies. In addition, services such as risk assessment systems are of great importance. We differentiate between risk solutions and financial solutions.
We offer various risk solutions to cover biometric risks. We differentiate between solutions to cover mortality, morbidity and longevity. You can find out what's behind this distinction here.
Offering protection in the form of Life & Health insurance can be capital-intensive. As a reinsurer, we offer our clients liquidity and opportunities to protect their capital base. We are talking about financial solutions. Financial solutions are customised to the specific needs of our clients and can be implemented quickly. They can be applied to existing or new business. These include, for example
Reinsurance services along the entire value chain of a primary insurance company are an important aspect of Life & Health Reinsurance. Our services include, for example
Are you looking for a new, exciting job? We will help you find it and familiarise yourself with it quickly and successfully. From the right job advertisement to the right application tips and onboarding, you can find everything you need to know about the application process here.