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The life and health insurance industry is evolving rapidly, powered by innovation and digital advances. In this insightful interview, Lisa Balboa from our Life & Health Digital Business Accelerator discusses how emerging technologies are revolutionising underwriting, risk assessment and claims management, while emphasising the importance of value-focused partnerships to drive meaningful change:
The journey of life has become longer, introducing both challenges and opportunities. In this compelling interview, Cord-Roland Rinke explores the trends that have propelled life expectancy to new heights and the associated risks, providing insights into innovative approaches and strategies for navigating this complex landscape:
Data is hailed as 'the new gold', and life & health insurers have access to a wealth of it. However, it is only through professional analysis that its true value can be unlocked. This insightful interview with Dr. Yinglin Zhang delves into the world of data and explores the transformative power of data analytics for insurance companies:
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