Hannover Re (Bermuda) Ltd.
Since 2007, Hannover Re (Bermuda) Ltd. has worked closely with its parent and sister companies to provide financial solutions for clients worldwide. We also assist clients with both traditional reinsurance and longevity solutions.
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We seek to reinsure mainly third-party insurers, with intra-group retrocession representing only a smaller part of our business.
We operate in one of the world’s leading (re)insurance jurisdictions. During our short history, we have developed successful reinsurance partnerships with clients in Africa, the America, Asia, Australia and Europe - a testament to our superior financial security, technical expertise and client-orientated service.
One key factor in our success has been our dedicated specialist team of professionals who work closely with our clients to develop and deliver the optimum solution in a timely manner. Another is our international network providing support on market specifics.
These strengths have helped us create successful partnerships with clients in many different parts of the world.