Empowering trade

Credit, surety and political risks

Financing of international trade is backed by credit insurance.


Key figures

  • The specialty division has worldwide responsibility for these classes of business.
  • We are one of the leading reinsurers in this product segment.
  • We represent a core line of business within the Hannover Re Group strategy.
  • We write a gross premium of around EUR 1.050 bn (underwriting year 2023), representing a market share of 13%.
  • The book is well-balanced with premium shares of 55% in credit, 31% in surety and 14% in political risk.

Underwriting policy

  • We focus on traditional credit, surety and political risk business.
  • All underwriting is centralised at our Hannover office, with local offices around the world supporting us in our marketing activities.
  • We offer obligatory and facultative capacity, while facultative support is offered as a service based on existing treaty relationships.

Further solutions for property & casualty business