All about your application

How to apply for a job with us

Whether you are an experienced professional, still studying or just starting out, what matters most to us is your motivation, focus on solutions and pragmatic approach. Find out more about our application process here.


Our application processes

Your path to us will take you through several stages. From the job advertisement through the interview to the orientation day, you are invited to ask questions and decide for yourself whether Hannover Re is the right employer for you. We have summarised this process for you:

"My start at Hannover Re was very good. I particularly liked the fact that my colleagues took a lot of time for me during my induction and were always willing to answer my questions. This also applied to enquiries from colleagues with whom I had no previous experience."

Meet us in person


FRICO in Otto von Guericke University

Magdeburg: Meet us in Magdeburg at the 27th Workshop on Future Research in Combinatorial Optimization and secure your spot with us.


Campus Day FHDW

Hannover: Learn more about our dual study programme and shape your future with Hannover Re. Visit us at Campus Day FHDW!


e-fellows: Perspektive Aktuarswesen

Curious about what an actuary does? Find out more at our online event and see if this career path is right for you.


e-fellows: Banking, Finance & Insurance

Meet renowned companies like Hannover Re, get to know potential employers, and expand your network in a relaxed atmosphere.


Universität Uni Ulm

Ulm: Visit our booth at the WiMa Congress 2024 to discover more about your career opportunities with Hannover Re.

Getting to know each other? Good idea!

Are you interested in varied tasks and real opportunities for advancement? There are plenty of them with us. Get in touch!

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