Life & Health

Group life rein­surance solutions

At Hannover Life Reassurance Company of America, we offer reinsurance solutions, product reviews, new product development and market entry to direct writers, brokers and third-party intermediaries in the group life insurance market.


We underwrite guaran­teed issue, simplified issue or proof of insurability programs. We have the depth of knowledge and experience to partner with you to develop new products and assist with pricing strategies. We strive to help your organization compete effectively in the group life insurance market.

Our group life rein­surance solu­tions encom­pass the following:

  • Basic group life – quota share and excess
  • Supple­mental group life
  • Volun­tary group life
  • Group uni­versal life
  • Abnormal morta­lity stop loss
  • Mass marketed life insu­rance
  • Waiver of premium buyouts
  • Group life riders: Acci­dental death benefit, acci­dental death and dis­mem­berment, living bene­fits and critical illness
  • Worksite
  • Credit life/debt cancel­lation covers
  • House cases (group life rein­surance for direct writers’ benefits)